Kingsport City Schools Announces Administrative Placement Changes Administrative changes have been made for Jackson Elementary School and Sevier Middle School.
KCS Fast Facts: THC-Laced Look-Alike Candy Items In response to a growing trend observed in our community, KCS is alerting our students and families to the presence and dangers of medicated candies and consumables infused with Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Kingsport City Schools Coordinated School Health Advisory Council to Meet The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss student wellness programs as well as plan for any areas of improvement for the next school year.
Kingsport City Schools Announces 2022 Principal, Supervisor, and Teachers of the Year Dr. Kyle Loudermilk was named Principal of the Year and Dr. Brian Cinnamon was named Supervisor of the Year. District-level Teachers of the Year include, Melissa Rivers, Lisa Bratton, and Amanda Blackburn.
Kingsport City Schools Board of Education Makes Revisions to April and May 2022 Meeting Schedule Click here for new April and May meeting dates.
Kingsport Board of Education to Hold Joint Work Session with City of Kingsport BMA The purpose of the joint work session is to discuss capital planning, the budget, and other items.
Sevier MS Instrument Placement Day Students can only join the Band or Orchestra at the beginning of 6th Grade! Don't miss your chance to learn an instrument.
Kingsport City Schools to Hold Pre-K Screening and Kindergarten Registration Screening and Registration will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2022. Click for locations and times.
Kingsport City Schools Teacher Career Fair All teachers are welcome to attend the Teacher Career Fair and apply for the 2022-23 school year.
Kingsport City Schools Accepting Zoning and Tuition Applications for 2022-2023 School Year Beginning March 1, applications will be available online until April 30, 2022.